Our Story

The Invictus story starts all the way back in highschool, where Elie and John met at Marcellin College, going on to study at LaTrobe together. The pair took their own career paths and then wound up here, as Co-Directors.

Elie’s experience in the banking world was varied and taught him a lot. His role involved everything from lending to build an entire suburb – now known as Craigieburn – to writing home and small business loans.

His experience showed him that there was a clear gap in the service offering that pointed to a fundamental problem: bankers don’t grow with clients. The industry tended to (and often still does) work in silos. Elie, like many Founders, wanted to fix the problem and do things differently to the industry norm. Enter, Invictus.

John went straight from his commerce degree into the NAB graduate program, gaining experience across a huge range of areas within the bank. What he learnt from his 18 years there was that out of everything he enjoyed about his job, he was most passionate about providing an excellent service to his clients, helping them to grow their business and personal wealth. It comes as no surprise that John and Elie would join forces again.

Together, Elie and John strike quite the balance: where Elie will bring a whiteboard and colourful textas to a meeting, John will bring his laptop and spreadsheets. Combining out of the box thinking with strategy and analytics has meant that Invictus has achieved exactly what they set out to do: provide a lending solution to clients that is as rich in expertise and knowledge as it is in personality and excellent service. This philosophy flows through any lending formula, including home loan or corporate loan strategies.

Our Team

You can’t show someone else how to feel financially liberated unless you have walked the path yourself. At Invictus, we share our own personal financial goals with each other.

Of course this looks different to different people at different stages of life. Like you, we’ve bought first homes, renovated houses and purchased investment properties. And every time we do this, we refine the strategies that work, so that we can share them with you.

Walking the talk is really important to us. You can be sure that every year we set new goals so that we can help you to do the same.

Meet our team.

Why work with us?

At Invictus, we don’t take the stock standard approach. We treasure relationships with each and every client; whether you’re a multinational retailer or a tradie needing a car loan. We want to see and understand your process and the passion you have about what you do.

People connect with values and stories and this is incredibly important to us as a business.

We are a one stop shop for residential and commercial lending needs. Our service is not transactional – we get to know you, your business, your personal situation, and using a collaborative approach, provide advice and an action plan that will get you to where you want to be.

Additionally, we pride ourselves on an excellent referral network, allowing us to offer a holistic service to our clients. We stick to our strengths and don’t hesitate to point you in another expert’s direction if you need us to. Working collaboratively with a team of professionals is one of the most enjoyable aspects of what we do.

We listen, We deliver. Banking and Finance Solutions.



Invictus Finance Solutions are consummate finance professionals. I have had an ongoing business relationship with Invictus since 2005. During this time they have established themselves as providers of the highest quality of services in banking and finance. They negotiate fiercely for me on all of my developments and always deliver the best outcomes for me and for my investors. They are driven by sensible outcomes with the customer experience and the customer/banking relationship at the forefront of their objective.
Ray, Camberwell


My business and my family personally have enjoyed a decade long and wonderful association with Invictus Finance Solutions. Over the years they have built an excellent reputation in banking for their business and mortgage brokerage services. We have experienced firsthand the difference they can make and the integrity that they hold amongst their panel of lenders. The expertise and personal approach is a real strength of Invictus Finance Solutions. They are a pleasure to deal with.
Stephen, Brighton


The team at Invictus Finance Solutions are customer orientated, thorough finance professionals. They are highly regarded (by me and many others for that matter) both from a competence level and also from an integrity level. We greatly appreciate the support given to us over the years, especially when we first came to know the team and they made us feel so comfortable from the onset. Their attention to our needs is always reassuring.
Clive, Sydney


The team at Invictus Finance are the ultimate of professionals. Great to deal with, and I greatly appreciate the support and integrity of the team. I look forward to my continuing association with Invictus Finance, which I believe has enhanced not only my bank dealings but those of my family and friends whom I have sent their way. Recommend doing business with them anytime.
Mel, Northcote

Invictus Poem
by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

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